2016 2015 2014
2013 2012
2011 1989-2010
Distinguishing Dark Matter from Unresolved Point Sources in the Inner Galaxy with Photon Statistics
Samuel K. Lee, Mariangela Lisanti, and Benjamin R. Safdi
The upcoming Fermi Pass 8 data set, which will be the product of a systematic and comprehensive revision of the entire Fermi event-level analysis, is expected to further improve on this PSF [84]. This gives reason to be optimistic about whether the question of the point-source contribution to the excess will ultimately be settled with Fermi data alone. However, it is possible that we will have to wait until future instruments with improved angular resolution - such as the confirmed GAMMA-400 telescope (which will be optimized for energies ~ 100 GeV) [85] and the proposed PANGU telescope (which will target the ~ 0.01 - 1 GeV range) [86] can weigh in on the matter.
[85] A. Galper, V. Bonvicini, N. Topchiev, O. Adriani, R. Aptekar, et al., The GAMMA-400 space observatory: status and perspectives, arXiv:1412.4239.
Brazilian Journal of Physics
October 2014, Vol. 44, Issue 5, pp. 441-449
Cosmic Ray Electrons and Protons, and Their Antiparticles
Mirko Boezio
[50] A. Galper, et al., Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans. 7, 75 (2011)
AIP Conference Proceedings 1604, 115 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4883419
Gamma-ray signals from dark matter
Louis E. Strigari
[29] A. Galper, O. Adriani, R. Aptekar, I. Arkhangelskaja, A. Arkhangelskiy, et al., AIP Conf.Proc. 1516, 288-292 (2012), 1210.1457.
Origin of Hydrogen Ionization in the 1 pc Galactic Central Region
D.O. Chernyshov, Gene C.K. Leung, K.S. Cheng, V.A. Dogiel, V. Tatischeff
At the end we would like to mention that new generation gamma-ray telescopes may provide more information about the source 2FGL J1745.6-2858 and resolve it with higher accuracy than the Fermi LAT. For example, if the telescope GAMMA-400 is able to detect the gamma-ray flux of this source, then with the claimed angular resolution about 0.01 (Galper et al., 2013a,b) it is able to resolve the source within 1.5 pc.
Galper, A. M., Adriani, O., Aptekar, R. L. et al. 2013a, arXiv:1306.6175
Galper, A. M., Adriani, O., Aptekar, R. L. et al. 2013b, Adv. Space Res. 2013, 51, 297
Effect of Degenerated Particles on Internal Bremsstrahlung of Majorana Dark Matter
Hiroshi Okada and Takashi Toma
The excluded region of the cross section by Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. is shown as the light yellow [9], and the prospected upper bounds of the future gamma-ray experiments GAMMA-400 and CTA are described by the black lines [18,19]. Although the evaluation of the limits have been done for internal bremsstrahlung plus gamma-ray lines [9], this limit would be applied as a good approximation. The maximal cross section is about σv ≈ 2 × 10-28 cm3/s which is about order one below the GAMMA-400 and CTA prospects.
[18] A. M. Galper, O. Adriani, R. L. Aptekar, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. I. Arkhangelskiy, M. Boezio, V. Bonvicini and K. A. Boyarchuk et al., Adv. Space Res. 51, 297 (2013) [arXiv:1201.2490 [astro-ph.IM]].
Tomographic-spectral approach for dark matter detection in the cross-correlation between cosmic shear and diffuse gamma-ray emission
S. Camera, M. Fornasa, N. Fornengo and M. Regis
Finally, we also consider an hypothetical upgrade (dubbed ‘Fermissimo') as a representative case of a future space-based large-area full-sky γ-ray detector, with improved capabilities with respect to Fermi-LAT. Proposals currently under study include GAMMA-400 [83], HERD [84] and DAMPE [85].
[83] A. M. Galper, O. Adriani, R. Aptekar, I. Arkhangelskaja, A. Arkhangelskiy, M. Boezio, V. Bonvicini, K. Boyarchuk, M. Fradkin, and Y. Gusakov et al., Design and Performance of the GAMMA-400 Gamma-Ray Telescope for the Dark Matter Searches, American Institute of Physics Conference Series 1516 (2014) 288-292, [arXiv:1210.1457].
Millisecond pulsars and the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess: the importance of luminosity function and secondary emission
Jovana Petrovic, Pasquale D. Serpico, Gabrijela Zaharijas
An additional opportunity may be provided by the confirmed new satellite mission "Gamma Astronomical Multifunctional Modular Apparatus" - GAMMA-400 telescope [37], scheduled to fly in 2018/19. In the baseline configuration, GAMMA-400 will be optimized for the energy of 100 GeV with angular resolution 0.01° and energy resolution ~ 1%, both an order of magnitude better than the Fermi LAT. At E ~1 GeV its performance will be comparable to the Fermi LAT and thus not necessarily resolutive.
[37] A. Galper et al., The Space-Based Gamma-Ray Telescope GAMMA-400 and Its Scientific Goals, arXiv:1306.6175 [astro-ph.IM].
Indirect Detection of WIMP Dark Matter: a compact review
Jan Conrad
For CTA, systematics on the cosmic ray background estimate (ratio between off and on region acceptance) and irreducible diffuse emission can become critical in the limit of large event statistics. An attempt to account for both has been presented in [36] with somewhat dimmed expectations. Also pair conversion telescopes are planned, foremost GAMMA-400 [37], the DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) [38] and the High Energy cosmic Radiation Detector (HERD) [39]. Both have in common very deep calorimeters, enabling energy resolution of the order of 1%. The latter has an envisaged effective area of about twice the Fermi-LAT, and main progress can be expected in the area of spectral feature detection, e.g. [20].
[37] M. Bongi [GAMMA-400 Collaboration]
Synergies in extragalactic and Galactic jet research
Gustavo E. Romero
Typical cascade features in the UV field of an O-type star are shown in Fig. 7. Gamma-rays with energies in the range 0.1-10 TeV are efficiently absorbed and re-radiated at lower energies, producing a broad bump between 1 MeV and 1 GeV. Such bump might be detectable by future gamma-ray space detectors operating in the soft gamma-ray energy range (e.g. GAMMA-400, //gamma400.lebedev.ru/indexeng.html).
Are We Really Seeing Dark Matter Signals from the Milky Way Center?
German A. Gomez-Vargas
Regarding new γ-ray data, from space there are some proposals to build new satellites [26], [27], [28], [29]. From Earth, the Cherenkov Array Telescope (CTA) will provide insight on the mysterious phenomena at the Milky Way center [30].
[28] A. Moiseev, A. M. Galper, Adriani, et al. 2013, arXiv:1307.2345
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 90, 083506 (2014)
Enhanced Line Signals from Annihilating Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter
Chiara Arina, Torsten Bringmann, Joseph Silk, and Martin Vollmann
While such a performance is, unfortunately, unfeasible for both operating and upcoming Air Cherenkov Telescopes, which feature energy resolutions of 10-15%, it might be well in reach for space-based telescopes given the design characteristics of planned missions like GAMMA-400 [80], DAMPE [81] or CALET [82].
[80] A. Galper, O. Adriani, R. Aptekar, I. Arkhangelskaja, A. Arkhangelskiy, et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1516, 288 (2012), arXiv:1210.1457 [astro-ph.IM].
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9144 91440E-1
Scientific Motivations and Technical Design Considerations for Future High-Energy Gamma-ray Telescopes in Light of Lessons Learned from the Fermi Large Area Telescope.
Eric Charles
It is worth noting that these missions concepts feature a variety of detector technologies, include a Silicon tracker/ Tungsten converter similar to the LAT (GAMMA-400 [1]), a Silicon tracker without conversion layers (Gamma-Light [2], a Silicon PIN diode tracker (DAMPE [3]), a low-density gaseous time projection chamber (TPC, AdEPT [4]), a high-pressure gaseous TPC (HARPO [5]), and a liquid Argon TPC (LArGO [6]).
[1] Galper, A. M. et al., “The Space-Based Gamma-Ray Telescope GAMMA-400 and Its Scientific Goals”, ArXiv e-prints (June 2013).
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9144 91443N-1
Monte Carlo simulations of Gamma-ray space telescopes:
a BoGEMMS multi-purpose application
Valentina Fioretti, Andrea Bulgarelli, Marco Tavani, Martino Marisaldi, Sabina Sabatini, Giuseppe Malaguti, Massimo Trifoglio, Fulvio Gianotti
After the development of a BoGEMMS template for the background evaluation of focusing X-ray space telescopes, a new extension is built for the simulation of an electron tracking Gamma-ray space mission (e.g., AGILE[13], GAMMA-400 [14]), conceived to work as a common, multi-purpose framework for the present and future gamma-ray space telescopes.
[14] Galper, A. M. et al., “Status of the GAMMA-400 project”, Advances in Space Research 51, 297-300 (2013).
Wino-like Minimal Dark Matter and future colliders
Marco Cirelli, Filippo Sala, Marco Taoso
In the near future, CTA should be able to significantly improve on line searches for the GC region [81, 82], by probing annihilation cross sections smaller than 10-26 cm3/s on most of the mass range. Concerning antiprotons, some improvement should come from upcoming AMS-02 data [84]. Increased sensitivity could also come from Fermi-LAT and GAMMA-400 observation of dwarf galaxies [85].
[85] B. Bhattacherjee, M. Ibe, K. Ichikawa, S. Matsumoto, and K. Nishiyama, arXiv:1405.4914 [hep-ph].
Singlet Majorana fermion dark matter: a comprehensive analysis in effective field theory
Shigeki Matsumoto, Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay, and Yue-Lin Sming Tsai
We show in Fig. 6 (left panel) the values of ‹σv›0 as a function of mχ in the EFT parameter space. The red solid line represents the future sensitivity of gamma ray observations from dwarf spheroidal galaxies using the Fermi-LAT (15 years of data taking) and the proposed GAMMA-400 [47] (10 years of data taking) experiments, in the χχ → W+W- channel, as estimated in Ref. [48].
For future projections, we consider the capabilities of XENON1T, LZ, ILC, Fermi-LAT and GAMMA-400. This study, to our knowledge, constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of a singlet Majorana fermion DM in an EFT.
[47] A. M. Galper et al., Adv. Space Res. 51 (2013) 297.
Direct detection of cosmic rays: through a new era of precision measurements of particle fluxes
E. Mocchiutti
A calorimetric approach will be employed by the GAMMA-400 experiment [57]. This will be a dual experiment aimed to study both the high-energy gamma-ray flux and the charged cosmic rays, both electrons and light nuclei. The apparatus will be placed on board a Russian satellite, which launch is foreseen for 2018. With a deep and large calorimeter (acceptance of about 1 m2sr), GAMMA-400 should be able to extend significantly the cosmic ray measurements performed by CALET and to measure the nuclear component of cosmic rays toward the knee.
[57] A. M. Galper, et al., Adv. Space Res. 51 (2014) 297.
PANGU: A High Resolution Gamma-ray Space Telescope
Xin Wu, Meng Su, Alessandro Bravar, Jin Chang, Yizhong Fan, Martin Pohl and Roland Walter
Finally, the sub-GeV full sky survey by PANGU provides crucial complementary information to GeV to hundreds of TeV observations by Fermi, DAMPE†, HERD‡, GAMMA-400 [14], HAWC [15], Cherenkov Telescope Array [16], and LHAASO [17] etc.
[14] Galper, A. M., et al, The Space-Based Gamma-Ray Telescope GAMMA-400 and Its Scientific Goals, ArXiv e-prints (June 2013).
The Incredible Bulk
Keita Fukushima, Chris Kelso, Jason Kumar, Pearl Sandick, and Takahiro Yamamoto
The Gamma-400 satellite will have significantly better angular and energy resolution than the Fermi-LAT, allowing it to perform very sensitive searches for strong spectral features such as gamma-ray lines [32]. The effective area will be smaller, however, leading to only minor improvements in the limits in the channels relevant to our models [33].
[32] A. A. Moiseev, A. M. Galper, O. Adriani, R. L. Aptekar, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. I. Arkhangelskiy, G. A. Avanesov and L. Bergstrom et al., arXiv:1307.2345 [astro-ph.IM].
Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess from Dark Matter Annihilation: Is There A Black Hole Spike?
Brian D. Fields, Stuart L. Shapiro, and Jessie Shelton
Improved angular resolution, as from [27], would help clarify the magnitude and spectrum of the point source and distinguish it from the spatially extended excess. Other higher-resolution instruments that can probe the GC environment (e.g., the Cerenkov Telescope Array [42], GAMMA-400 [43], the Event Horizon Telescope [44], and even Planck [45]) may further refine our understanding.
[43] A. A. Moiseev, A. M. Galper, O. Adriani, R. L. Aptekar, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. I. Arkhangelskiy, G. A. Avanesov, L. Bergstrom, M. Boezio, V. Bonvicini, et al.,
ArXiv e-prints (2013), 1307.2345.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 90, 043526 (2014)
Sharp Gamma-ray Spectral Features from Scalar Dark Matter Annihilations
Alejandro Ibarra, Takashi Toma, Maximilian Totzauer, Sebastian Wild
The relative importance of the gamma-ray lines will increase with the next generation of gamma-ray telescopes, such as GAMMA-400 [27] and DAMPE [28], that aim to an energy resolution of ~ 1% at Eγ > 10 GeV.
[27] A. M. Galper, O. Adriani, R. L. Aptekar, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. I. Arkhangelskiy, M. Boezio, V. Bonvicini and K. A. Boyarchuk et al., Adv. Space Res. 51 (2013) 297 [arXiv:1201.2490 [astro-ph.IM]].
Wino Dark Matter and Future dSph Observations
Biplob Bhattacherjee, Masahiro Ibe, Koji Ichikawa, Shigeki Matsumoto, Kohei Nishiyama
In our analysis, we consider the Fermi-LAT [75] and the future projected GAMMA-400 [76] telescopes.
The proton rejection factor is also better than other kinds of telescopes, which is estimated to be 104 for the Fermi-LAT telescope and 106 for the GAMMA-400 telescope, respectively.
It can be seen that the GAMMA-400 covers wider energy range and gives better resolution thanks to the thick calorimeter.

[76] A. M. Galper, O. Adriani, R. L. Aptekar, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. I. Arkhangelskiy, M. Boezio, V. Bonvicini and K. A. Boyarchuk et al., Adv. Space Res. 51, 297 (2013) [arXiv:1201.2490 [astro-ph.IM]].
[78] P. Cumani, TeV Particle Astrophysics 2013, http://indico.cern.ch/event/221841/session/4/contribution/61/material/slides/0.pdf.
JCAP12 (2014) 025
Dark Matter on Top
M.A. Gomez, C.B. Jackson, G. Shaughnessy
However, there are several gamma-ray telescopes in development including GAMMA-400 [40, 41], CTA [42] or HESS-II [43] which will be able to probe these higher energies at very good experimental resolutions (see Ref. [44] and references therein for a full review).
[40] A. M. Galper, O. Adriani, R. L. Aptekar, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. I. Arkhangelskiy, M. Boezio, V. Bonvicini and K. A. Boyarchuk et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1516, 288 (2012) [arXiv:1210.1457 [astro-ph.IM]].
[41] A. M. Galper, O. Adriani, R. L. Aptekar, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. I. Arkhangelskiy, M. Boezio, V. Bonvicini and K. A. Boyarchuk et al., Adv. Space Res. 51, 297 (2013) [arXiv:1201.2490 [astro-ph.IM]].